Wednesday, July 15, 2009


lots is changing around here… as you can see, the blog got an overhaul. i'm REALLY into gray and yellow right now, so when i saw this blog background, i couldn't resist!

another thing that is changing lots is my belly. we're at 23 weeks now, 17 (give-or-take) to go! here is a pic of me at 21(ish) weeks and then 23 weeks… it's crazy how fast my belly popped out! my belly button is still an innie, but we'll see how long it stays like that :)

also, one of ant's awesomely sweet classmates is giving us some baby stuff that she doesn't need anymore. how generous!! so, the other day ant came home from class with an awesome fisher price rainforest baby swing! it's VERY surreal having this thing sitting in our living room. every time i look at it, i'm reminded that it's not gonna be long until there is a baby hangin' out in our house every day. crazy!!

the baby is moving around more and more every day. sometimes i swear ant is going to be able to feel something, but so far he hasn't. i know it's just a matter of time, but i'm so anxious for him to be able to experience at least a little bit of what i'm feeling. until then, he continues to take care of me and talk to the baby, which usually comes out as yelling, but i know he means well!

i have a routine dr appt tomorrow and then off to orlando again this weekend for one of my bestie's (hazel's) engagement party luau! WOO HOO! we're gonna get to see lots of friends and hang out with the fam a little, so i'm pretty excited :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you and your bump!!! I love it =) And I'm so happy I get to see you guys tomorrow! Love you!
