Sunday, May 1, 2011

18 month talkin' fool

Amelie turned 18 months old yesterday… crazy how time flies. I know I say that all the time, but it's true. And you really don't understand it until you have kids. It goes by SO fast. I'm trying to soak in every second, but it's difficult to stop and bask in every second. This blog is a way we will be able to look back years later and enjoy the big moments and some small ones, too. Even though I haven't been that great at blogging consistently like I wanted to, at least I have the major events documented. 

Amelie is a HAM! She has the funniest personality. We are constantly laughing at the things she does and says. She's so sweet and cuddly and smiley and giggly and wiggly and dancey and many, many more things. She LOVES to eat (you can tell by the size of her belly!), play in the water, take baths, play with clothes (random, but true), play with her cousins, climb all over mama and daddy, DANCE!, read books, etc… She is a TALKING FOOL. She will talk your ear off. No clue what she's saying most of the time, but her vocab is starting to flourish BIG time! She says so many words, ah-like so:

And there are many more things that video didn't cover. Personally, I think she's a genius to be talking at such a young age, but I'm her mama, so I'm kinda biased.


  1. Such a cutie! Alexsa is just 3 months behind, so i love watching Amelie to see what's coming. :) Happy Birthday Amelie!

  2. I LOVE HER. SO much!!! She IS a GENIUS!!! =)

  3. Oh my...what a ham. and that wasn't even the tip of the iceberg...she says and does everything. One of my fav's is DANCING...had Dancing with the Stars on watching Kendra in her jiggly yellow bird costume and Amie had it down pretty good....she makes us laugh and is such a joy to be with...has a very sweet temperament, a little headstrong at times but as a girl in this society this is a good thing. She has very loving parents, who are amazing with her. She is a very lucky little lady. From her Nana
