Sunday, April 11, 2010

my apologies

i can't believe i have let this much time past without blogging. i can't even use the 'i'm a new mom and i don't have time' excuse cause i think that's kind of lame. amelie naps a lot more than i do, so i should make time to blog! anyway, i feel like so much time has passed and I don't know where to pick back up. i'll start by guiding you here to look at all of our pictures first. i started our flickr account because it's much easier to upload and share pictures from there.

amelie will be 6 months old on april 30th. holy cow… time flies! i can't believe she's that old already. here's a then and now for you to see how much she has grown…

1 week

5 1/2 months

Amelie is one ball of energy, that's for sure! For the most part she is a fantastic baby! We can't complain too much. She is sleeping about 10-11 hours straight through the night now and taking short morning and evening naps and a longer afternoon nap. Just this month she started rolling from her back to her tummy, but she can't figure out how to get back onto her back now so she gets really frustrated and starts screaming. Speaking of screaming, she is a loud mouth! (i think she gets this from her daddy)  :)  She loves to babble, coo, scream (happy and mad), laugh, giggle, etc. Just recently she has caught on to kissing. If we ask her for a kiss (sometimes) she will grab our face and plant a big, slobbery, open mouth wet one on us. Sometimes its the lips, sometimes the cheek, nose or forehead. My shoulder has been getting some action lately as well. She is one lovable gal! (we just have to teach her not to spread those kisses so freely in the future!)

About 2-3 weeks ago we had to start supplementing Amie on formula. She wasn't an efficient eater, therefore I started losing my milk. I totally took her off the boob and started pumping and giving her formula and breastmilk in a bottle. She started plumping up as soon as we did that! I hate that I have to give her formula, but I didn't want her to starve. My goal was to make it to at least 6 months of breastfeeding, so as long as my milk is there, I will pump, but I have a feeling that it won't last too much longer.

Just this week we started Amelie on cereal! Here's how she did: watch video

I'm guessing she weighs about 14 lbs now. We have her 6 month check up at the beginning of May, so we'll see how she measures up. I'm pretty sure we'll start her vaccinations then as well. I think we're almost ready to start leaving her in the nursery at church, but we wanted to start her vaccinations before we did that. Better safe than sorry.

Here is what we've been up to lately…
Lucie and the kids came up for a few days in March and mom and dad also came up for the St Patrick's Day Parade (which is also dad's birthday). We had a fantastic time having everyone here!

We celebrated Ant's 33rd birthday on April 1… Amelie was really excited that daddy turned a year older!

We went to our friend Stella's 1st birthday party and played in some bubbles…

… and took a family photo…

And we celebrated Easter/Resurrection Day with Amelie's first trip to church and her very first Easter basket! We enjoyed a nice day at Forsyth Park and then my bestie, Heather and her husband Shawn passed through on Sunday and stayed the night with us. Aunt Heather helped Amie destroy look through her Easter basket…

Well, that was a super quick catch-up, but hopefully I will be better about posting her milestones and our happenings from now on. We've been pretty good at taking pictures and videos, but getting them out to everyone and blogging is the hard part. 

Also, if you haven't seen it yet, visit my creative blog here!
And I just got my temporary portfolio up online until I get my full website done. Go see it here!

I'll leave you with this amazing face (and lots of rolls!)…


  1. Yay for updates and your portfolio! LOVE! =D

  2. Wow! She's so adorable :) I know how you feel about the formula - we had to start it right away because i can't produce enough for her in the evenings.

    Love the update with the pictures!
