Tuesday, October 13, 2009

let the games begin!

We went to the doctor for our 36 week check-up today. All is good! I'm feeling great and can't really complain. I'm getting less and less sleep as time goes by, but I know this is my preparation for what's to come. My neurologist increased my medication AGAIN. I'm up to 600mg a day (I started at 150mg pre-preggo), so needless to say I am exhausted ALL the time. I'm having trouble staying focused when I'm working cause I'm so tired, but luckily I will only have to deal with that for a few more weeks. After that I will have to blame it on the baby, but the baby will be so cute it won't matter!

Back to the doctor appointment… I don't know i I mentioned this before, but I LOVE MY NEW DOCTOR!! She is so great and I'm SO glad I switched! Anyway, I had the streb B culture done today (no biggie) and she said, "do you want me to go ahead and check you?" "Why not, you're already down there," I thought. So, she checked me and much to our surprise I am 2cm dialated! She said she could feel the head and everything looks good… WOO HOO!!!! I couldn't be more excited! I'm praying that God will keep the baby cookin' for at least another 2 weeks, but I'm excited either way!

In other news, my showers in Spring Hill and OP were FANTASTIC! We are so blessed to have amazing people in our lives who are so generous and thoughtful. Thank you to all those who made those showers so incredible. The 'nursery' (aka, our bedroom) is starting to come together. We got the crib all set up this past weekend and it's so cute! The bedding looks adorable and we have so many cute blankets and owls everywhere :) (pictures to come later) Ant finished staining the armoire (which is now the baby's closet). All of the clothes and blankets have been washed, folded and put away, so now we just wait :)

I'm currently enjoying some much-needed girl time with old roommie and friend, Jenn (we're trying to get work done as well, but we have yet to be successful at that so far). She came to visit for a few days and then on Friday we are headed to Orlando for another shower! I couldn't be more excited to see everyone!

Here's a 36-weeker for ya, compliments of Ant's creativity:

One last thing: below is a blog posting from one of Jenn's friends. I thought it was hilarious and well-written, so I thought I would share… enjoy!

You know its time to go into labor when:

1. Your maternity clothes don't fit anymore.

2. Your one year old has to help you out of bed.

3. Your one year old keeps falling out of your lap and grabbing on to your tender boobs as handles to help him back up.

4. Your baby can simultaneously kick your diaphragm and punch your cervix. I mean, really. There is Just. No. More. Room.

5. You can no longer sit or lay down comfortably and standing makes your back and feet ache.

6. You long for drive-thru grocery stores because the idea of walking back to your car that is parked far away in 95 degree heat when your one year old may or may not be screaming a protest about one thing or another makes you want to cry.

7. You are losing sleep because of being uncomfortable and it really seems like you might as well just have the baby because at least then when you are not sleeping, it won't be because you are uncomfortable, but because you are spending time with an amazing new little person.

8. Your belly button sticks out like a thermometer on a cooked thanksgiving day turkey signaling that you are indeed, "done."

9. When random strangers ask you when you are due you and you say, you aren't pregnant and that your husband just likes a little something extra in the middle, they know you are lying.

10. You start blogging about these silly things because that is all you think about when you are trying to go to sleep and can't because as I mentioned, you are uncomfortable.

well-said :)

So, let the games begin… I'll be keeping everyone posted on the progress :)


  1. You're seriously the cutest preggo lady ever!! I can't wait to see you this weekend!! =D

  2. awww… thanks! i REALLY can't wait to see you either!
