Friday, June 19, 2009

ramble, ramble

Busy, busy and busy is what I would use to describe myself lately. I feel like I've been moving a mile a minute and traveling like crazy (which I love!). I'm pretty sure I've spent the majority of my time in Florida these past couple months and it's been great! Ant and I got a chance to go to Orlando to visit (and work for me) and we had the pleasure of spending time with some very missed friends and family. It was so nice! I also got to spend some time with mom and dad, Lucie, Tad, Reagan and Quin (more on that soon), and my girlfriends from high school. The past 3 weeks Ant has been on a break from school, but Monday he goes back. It's been nice to actually spend some quality time together and just chill, even though I've still been working like crazy. At least my job allows me to play a little on the side!

Our little peanut is growing like crazy and if what we're told is correct, it is about the size of a large mango this week - next week we will graduate to a cantalope… woo hoo!! We're almost half way there (19 weeks to be exact) and we've been seeing doctors a lot lately. It seems like every time we turn around, we're going to another appointment. I found a great neurologist up here and I really like her! At my appointment, she increased my med dosage, reassured me that my meds are the best to be on compared to the others out there, told me that it's perfectly fine to breastfeed (YAY!!! I was pretty worried about that) and referred me to a perinatologist to do some high risk testing and such. It was a pretty productive appt. and she wants to see me once a month to make sure everything is on track. Success! Yesterday we went to our regular OBGYN and had a quad screening done which will tell us if there is any major abnormality or birth defect and we should get those results by the end of next week. Today we had our first appt with our new perinatologist. We spoke to a genetic counselor and had an ultrasound. It's always so exciting seeing the baby moving around and this time we were able to see it kicking and putting it's hands up near it's face and all. Although, we did turn our heads when the tech explored the netherregions (is that even a word??) so that we couldn't see what the sex of our little peanut is. She seemed to know right away what it was, but she was tight-lipped and didn't spill the beans! All I could think of was how jealous I was that she knew and I didn't! It's a pretty strange feeling now that it's actually possible to know what the sex is, but Anthony is REALLY excited about being surprised, so we're stickin' to it! So far we have a girl's name picked out, but we are still undecided on a boy's name. Any suggestions?!

profile… not really cooperating!

strong heartbeat :)

On another note, I'm feeling MUCH better these days! Once the 12-13 week mark hit, I started feeling like a normal human being again which was such a relief. I got most of my energy back and now I don't feel like I have to eat every second of the day… that was getting REALLY old! My clothes started getting tighter and tighter and just the other day I wore my first pair of maternity shorts (thank you, GiGi Ma!). We haven't been very good at taking pictures of the belly, but we have a recent one that I can share. I'm not really sure if I've felt the baby move yet. Last night we were watching a movie and right in the middle of a really intense part, I said, "I think I just felt the baby move!" Ant just looked at me and said, "really?!" Then I said, "I don't know, but it feels different and I can't really explain it" So, all-in-all, I might have felt it, but I'm still not too sure! I think within the next 2 weeks I will be having a growth spurt and start to feel the baby move more and more. All very exciting!

12 weeks:

18 weeks:

Oh, one last thing: I have to show off my new nephew Quin (Albert Winchester V) - He was born on June 7 @ 3:19am (lonnnng night!), weighing 7 lbs 14 oz… perfectly healthy little boy and just as cute as can be! See?!! ----->

Reagan just turned 2… so big and such a great big sister!

1 comment:

  1. aaaw! I'm so glad that you found a great doctor up there! And I can't even begin to tell you how much I moss you and how bummed I am that I can't be there to help you!!
